2016 Tournament venues are now posted
Click on the link below to download the 2016 Tournament Venue Schedule:
**Based on 2015 team numbers. Numbers and venues for 2016 are finalized after the registration deadline for each event.**
JAN 18 UPDATE for 15U boys P#2: 2016-V2 Yellow highlighted text indicates where changes have been made
JAN 21 UPDATE for 16U Boys P#1 : Sylvan Lake / Red Deer
2016-V3 Yellow highlighted text indicates where changes have been made
FEB 8 UPDATE for 16U boys P#2: Lacombe
2016-V4 Yellow highlighted text indicates where changes have been made
We will do our best to have the event draws posted one week prior to the event. Teams are responsible for downloading the draws and printing off copies for their own use at the event. Occasionally, it is necessary to make revisions to the draw after it has been posted. Please check back the day before the event to ensure you have the most up-to-date copy of the draw. The draw posted at the event will be considered the official version of the draw.