Beach Summer Wrap Up

Summer wrapped up on the youth beach volleyball season on August 21 with the final day of youth nationals coming to a close.  The Alberta Beach provincial team athletes arrived in Toronto on August 14 and spent several days training with the Ontario provincial teams prior to participating in Youth Beach Nationals.  All 12 teams who participated showed great improvements throughout the summer, and did a fantastic job representing Volleyball Alberta in Toronto.  Sunday wrapped up with the 18U men’s team of Max Elgert and Jesse Elser winning the gold medal!

Team Alberta Beach had two graduating athletes on the men’s side as Max Elgert and Brendan Vanderlinde played their third consecutive summer with the beach provincial team program in the 18U Men’s division.  Max won a silver medal at provincials and finished the summer winning the gold medal at nationals.  Brendan won provincials and just missed the podium finishing fourth at nationals.  Good luck to both athletes as they move on with their volleyball careers in the CIS and ACAC this fall.

Team Alberta Beach Results 

15UG: Solecki/Deng & Lapins/Lalonde-Bester 5th in Tier 1

16UG: Mealey/Komlodi- 5th in Tier 1  &  Hayley/Dukart -3rd in Tier 2

16UM: Elgert/Neaves – 4th in Tier 1   Campbell/Graham – 5th in Tier 1   Losier/Drezzick- 9th in Tier 1

18UW: Hart/Zonneveld- 5th in Tier 1   Lapins/Vaandering- 9th in Tier 1

18UM: Elgert/Elser- 1st in Tier 1   Newman/Vanderlinde- 4th in Tier 1   Weinmeier/Granley- 9th in Tier 1 

More Alberta Results:

14UG: Clark/Sinic – 9th Tier 1

15UG: Kroontje/Thompson – 9th Tier 2   Gregg/Clemett – 3rd Tier 2

16UG: Kroontje/Bradley – 2nd Tier 2   Flewell/Aasman – 5th Tier 1

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