Stage 2 Masking Guidelines

Updated June 14, 2021


Alberta is entering Stage 2 of the Open for Summer Plan which significantly eases restrictions for sports, physical activity, and recreation.  With over 60% of all eligible Albertans receiving their first vaccine, Volleyball Alberta will remove our mandatory indoor masking policy and replace it with updated guidance and recommendations.  Coaches & Trainers must wear masks at all times while indoors in Stage 2.  Athletes must wear masks when entering and exiting a facility or moving from the competition/training area to other parts of the facility (changerooms). All government masking requirements must be followed.


There are no outdoor masking policies for athletes. If a coach, instructor or trainer, in the course of providing guidance or instruction to a person engaged in an outdoor fitness activity, is unable to maintain at least two metres physical distance from the person who is performing the activity, then the coach, instructor or trainer must wear a face mask and complete hand hygiene before and after the interaction.  Participants are encouraged to assess their personal risk when deciding to wear a mask or not.

  • Distance should still be maintained when not actively participating. This includes during instruction.
  • Group sizes should still be considered – smaller sizes are still safer.


  1. Organizers should consider mask use for all participants at all times when Indoors. If an organizer chooses not to have participants masked, athletes should use masks when participating in simple and lower intensity drills; during scrimmages with increased heart rates, athletes could remove their masks.
  2. Organizers should consider training at a distance indoors.
  3. Organizers have stronger restrictions for programs/events with the 11 and under age group as they are not currently eligible for vaccinations.  
  4. We support a member’s decision to wear a mask.
  5. We support an organizations decision to create programs that have stronger restrictions/policies in place. These need to be communicated in advance to participants.
  6.  Organizers should follow Safe Return to Sport Guidelines. These include:
    a.  A slow and gradual progression to training load so athletes can rebuild their physical and motor foundation.
    b.  A focus on team training versus competition: returning to competition without a progressive increase in training load will increase the risk of injuries.

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