Building Durable Athletes: Alberta Sport Injury Tracking Project

Injuries remove athletes from their training program or competition schedule and may contribute to an early exit from sport.  In order to prevent and manage injury in sport activities, we need to better understand where, to whom, why and how injuries occur. To that end, Volleyball Alberta is participating in a small project to evaluate an online tool to track injuries in our sport. During the 2017 club season, when an injury occurs to an athlete or coach, please report the injury using the online form below:

The purpose of this initial project is to gather information from a few select organizations to help answer questions about injury in sport.

Why the need to report injury information?
There is no consistent reporting mechanism in Canada and as a result sport and recreation organizations do not have sufficient information to make informed decisions about injury and injury prevention or evaluate intervention strategies effectively.

Who should report the injury?
If an injury occurs during a competition or training, the athlete & parent(s) should be the designated injury reporter as they will have the most accurate information. Volleyball Alberta will have contracted Athletic Therapists at the Premier and Provincial Championships; this individual will report the injury if an injured person visits them.

What injuries should be reported?
Any injury that requires withdrawal from play / practice or requires the attention of a trainer, athletic therapist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, nurse, doctor or other allied healthcare professional either immediately following or within 1 month of the injury incident, should be reported. Scrapes, bumps or bruises that do not interfere in participation need not be reported.

How long will this take?
The questionnaire should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

How will information be kept confidential?
The questionnaire does not ask for personal information about the injured party. Organizational data will be shared in aggregate form and not on an individual. Data collected may be stored in servers outside of Canada and subject to non-Canadian laws. For more information on privacy please see: Privacy Policy Information.

What are the benefits of sharing injury information?
The data provided will contribute to a broader understanding of injury in sports and recreation activities in Canada. This approach reduces the need for paper forms and improves the confidential nature of injury reporting.

What if I have questions?
If you have any questions, please contact:
Volleyball Alberta – Jim Plakas, 780 415-1703,
Sport Medicine Council of Alberta – Barb Adamson, 780-415-0812,

To report an injury using the Alberta Injury Tracker Form, please visit this link:

Thank you for your participation!

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