October 1, 2017
Volleyball Alberta | Hall of Fame
Call for Nominations
The Volleyball Alberta Nominations and Awards Committee is currently gathering nominations to recognize outstanding achievements in Volleyball Alberta. Hall of Fame awards are presented in the following 5 categories:
Builder, Coach, Athlete, Team and Official.
Please take a moment to think about who should be honoured in any of the categories and consider nominating her or him for an award in 2018. To view a list of Volleyball Alberta’s Hall of Fame Inductees and their bios: www.volleyballalberta.ca > Awards > Hall of Fame.
How to submit a nomination:
Step 1: Carefully review the award categories and determine which category is most appropriate
(selection criteria’s attached)
Step 2: Prepare and collect
1) At least one letter of support for the nominee which should include comments on how the nominee has made a defining contribution to Volleyball in Alberta and the nominee’s demonstration of exemplary values and personal characteristics and
2) A listing of all the relevant information (accomplishments etc.) about the nominee.
Step 3: Complete the Nomination form on our website
Step 4: Include a high quality, colour photograph of the nominee
Step 5: Ensure you have included all the items in Step 2, 3 and 4, above. Your nomination will not be processed without this information.
Step 6: Submit complete nominations to:
By email: info@volleyballalberta.ca Attention: Nominations and Awards Committee
Nomination packages must be received by April 1st.
Question? Contact Julie
780-415-1703 ext 1