January 17, 2022
With the high prevalence of COVID-19 at the moment, Volleyball Alberta wanted to provide our community with a few important reminders to help reduce risk when training and competing.
In the next few weeks, teams may want to consider prioritizing training and reducing competition to limit the number of interactions an individual may have. Travelling for competitions is not encouraged in January.
Coaches and team staff must be masked at all times while indoors. Youth athletes must be masked when not engaged in physical activity.
Daily screening for illness is an integral process for all athletes and team staff to complete prior to attending activity. Alberta Health has updated the checklist for Adults and Children for January 2022 so use the current Daily Health Checklist for screening. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of staying home if you answer yes to any related symptoms!
If a fully vaccinated individual is legally required to isolate, they must wear a mask for up to 5 days after their isolation period at all times if they are outside the home in a public place or otherwise in the company of other persons out of your household. Due to the no exceptions stipulation, Volleyball Alberta recommends that athletes do not attend volleyball sessions during this masked five day period. Athletes must be able to hydrate during training and competition (we anticipate there will be further guidance on this topic coming from Alberta Health).
Additionally, as athletes return to sport after COVID-19, they are recommended to follow a graduated return to play protocol. Coaches should modify intensity or drill design when athletes return to the court after illness or isolation.
Clubs and coaches should consider adding or continuing their diligence with the following best practices during training and competition.
- Coaches should email processes, expectations, general information, and session drills in advance to avoid on site team meetings
- Car-pooling to volleyball activities should be discouraged
- Change into your gear, fill water bottles, and use the washroom at home prior to attending volleyball activities
- Bring personal hand sanitizer and use good hand hygiene before, during and after volleyball sessions
- While the Rule of Two should always be followed, spectators should be limited or discouraged
- Enter a facility just prior to the start of the session (10 minutes before) to limit interactions with other groups
- Dissuade in-person team meetings and social events before or after practices or games
- Two meters of physical distancing should be maintained when possible; Coaches should keep two meters of physical distancing during instruction. Coaches should create drills that promote physical distancing during training (smaller groups of 4-5 athletes/side will make it easier to facilitate appropriate distancing). Drill examples can be found on Volleyball Alberta’s YouTube Channel
- Participants should not share food or water bottles
- Athletes should remain masked during light activity (e.g. warm-up, stretching, cool-down activities).
- Coaches may consider having athletes remain masked during higher intensity drills. However, more frequent breaks would be required in addition to carefully observing athletes and monitoring for fatigue or shortness of breath to ensure their safety and wellness.
- Participants should leave a facility immediately after the activity
Please continue to do your part to keep our kids active and safe!