Posted: March 3, 2022
Live Streaming Services – update for the remainder of the season
HD2 Productions live streaming services will continue to be offered for all courts at Rally Pointe, Cavalry FC, Genesis Centre and Seven Chiefs Sportsplex for the remainder of the season.
Live streaming in these facilities was a pilot service for Premier 1’s, and it was a success! We are happy that fans, friends & families will be able to watch some of #VAPremiers and #VAProvincials online all season.
Would we like to live stream every court, every match, on all weekends? Yes! We would love to stream it all. However, due to logistical reasons, we will continue the live streams in the Calgary area with the resources and equipment acquired for this inaugural season with the desire to expand streaming services in the future.
We hope that many of you will also take advantage of the option to purchase matches in the HD2 Productions Online Store ($10/match). Purchasing matches will help HD2 determine if they can continue to provide free live streaming for future seasons.
In facilities where HD2 live streaming is not being offered, these are Volleyball Alberta’s competition regulations re: Video Cameras:
• Video cameras in the warm-up area are not permitted (for athletes, parents, or spectators).
• If handheld, a video camera may be operated by a team member sitting on the bench.
• Attaching video cameras to the post, scorer table, referee stand, etc. will not be allowed.
• If there is a vacant court next to the playing court that is not being utilized as a designated warm-up court or competition court for the event, cameras and tripods may be set-up in that space provided: i. There is no infringement on the participants of the playing court, ii. Cameras and spectators are not encroaching on the team bench, warm-up area, scorer’s table, referee location, etc.,
• For facilities with 5+ meters of space behind the service zone (Genesis Centre in Calgary), cameras will be permitted on the playing surface behind the court, provided they are against the facility wall.