New Referee FAQ

I got my badge, now what?
The following information will help answer any immediate questions you have about getting started as a referee in Alberta. All other information needed will be on the Referee Hub, Click Here for direct access. Otherwise, it will be in our menu under “Leadership” > “Referee Hub”.
What is the Arbiter?
The Arbiter is the assigning system used by Volleyball Alberta. It is an online program that helps organize matches & referees. www.arbitersports.com.
How do I get access to the Arbiter?
After completing your practical clinic, your Development Coordinator will contact a Volleyball Alberta Full Time Staff member to add you to the Arbiter. Once added you will receive a welcome notice. Once you accept you can begin to fill in your profile and preferences which will allow you to obtain matches. The Development Coordinator or the Assignor should send you a couple “How to” documents that explain using the arbiter.
How do I get matches?
Once your profile is completed, your arbiter will permit you to self-assign to matches your badge level allows you to referee. By using the self-assign tab, you can browse the matches available in the system. Please remember to vary the venues and levels of matches you are doing during the busy season. Although self-assign is utilized for the majority of the season, the Zone Assignor will be monitoring assignments and has the right to remove referees from any assignments they see fit.
What are the different types of matches I can do?
When in the Arbiter you will see varying types of matches listed. Always be sure to read the Match type, Level, Date and Time to be sure what you are taking matches your availability. The system will identify if it is a Tournament, Double Header or Single games. Always remember the time listed on the assignment is the match start time, so arrival 30 minutes prior for league matches & tournaments.
What does it mean if I sign up for a tournament?
If you sign up for a “Tournament – First Match Scheduled” You are committing to the full day at that event. The time listed in the arbiter will be the time of the first match. Once numerous referees have signed up, the assignor will then create a schedule and send it out to all referees involved approximately 4-5 days before the event where possible.
Can I cancel matches once I take them?
Once you take a match, you cannot unassign yourself directly. If something comes up and you need to give back the match, please contact the assignor. 48 hours’ notice is required to cancel an assignment, so the assignor can fill your position. Repeat occurrences of turning back matches can be subject to discipline.
Why do I register?
Registration is a mandatory task all Referees are required to do annually. The registration process provides insurance coverage while you work as a referee should anything such as an injury occur. It also allows you to participate in Volleyball Alberta & Volleyball Canada sanctioned events, which include school tournaments, school leagues, VA Club Tournaments of all ages and Volleyball Canada Nationals.
In your first season, your registration is completed in conjunction with your clinic, you are registered as a Novice Referee. Once you receive your badge, if you continue to referee, you are required to register by between Aug 1st and Sept 30th each season for the upcoming season. You will then need to register based on your current badge level. Registration is required for VA & VC and your zones ZRL, along with a VA Full Time Staff will send out information on registration before each season.
What do I do If I want to upgrade my badge?
Please contact your ZRL or Development Coordinator.
Who do I contact if I have any questions about the rules?
In the refereeing world there are always constant discussions on rules, scenarios, and interpretations. Engaging other referees, Junior or Senior and having candid conversations about rules is always a good way to learn. If ever unsure about a rule and you require clarification please contact your Development Coordinator.
What do I do If I have issues with a coach, player, parent or other referee?
Always make sure you are up to date with your Rules, Policies and Procedures, Volleyball Alberta Zero Tolerance Policy, as well as your Code of Conduct. If you ever have difficulty with anyone involved in your matches, please contact your ZRL immediately.