Welcome to the Volleyball Alberta Referee Hub!

RRC Updates

Sportlomo Registration For Referees

Go to Volleyball Alberta (sportlomo.com) and use the Referees Registration Guide to register to your Referee Zone.

For all leaders this season, Person In Authority (PIA) Requirements will be reviewed at the time of registration. To learn more about PIA Requirements click below.

If you have any questions regarding Sportlomo Registration, Safe Sport Module or your myBackCheck Criminal Record Check please contact Robyn Bishop at events@volleyballalberta.ca.

The Arbiter


Don’t have an Arbiter account? Reach out to your Zone to obtain one! (Contact Information Below)

***Reminder, we DO NOT use Arbiter Pay***

2023/24 Pay Schedule

Who to email if……
You haven’t been paid for a tournament?
Please check the Pay Run Excel Sheet on the Pay Schedule below and look for the tournament you are wondering about. If you cannot find it, please respectfully inquire to your Zone Team and ask if the Match/Tournament/League has been submitted.
You believe your pay may be off due to number of matches or KM?
Please check with your assignor what was submitted, they will email Vinny if changes need to be made.
Do you believe your pay is off because it does not match your calculations?
Please reach out to Vinny with those exact calculations (including the league/tournament name/location).
I have not been paid at all?
Please reach out to courtside@volleyballalberta.ca to obtain the documents to fill out to acquire payment in 2024.

Pay Run #
Assignors Must Submit Pay Sheets By:
Estimated Pay Date:
Link to what has been Paid:
Sept 2023-Dec 2023
To see all Pay Runs between Sept 1, 2023 and Feb 1, 2024 please click the link to the right and all Pay Runs are on different tabs.
Pay Run #15
April 17th, 2024
Pay Run #16
April 15th
April 24th, 2024
Pay Run #17
April 20th
April 30th, 2024
Pay Run #18
April 27th
Monday May 13th
Pay Run #19
May 10th
Friday May 24th
Pay Run #20
Friday May 31st
Pay Run #21
Wednesday June 12th – Make Up Pay focus plus a couple of missed tournaments.
Pay Run #21

Referee Zone Teams and Leads – Contact Information

Contact Information
Katyryna Gaudet
Regional Referee Chair (RRC)
Stephanie Shostak
Provincial Admin. Lead (PAL)
Zone 1
& Area
Shauna Gregus
Zone 1 Lead (ZRL)
Zone 1 Assignor
Zone 2
Surrounding Areas
Karina Regier
Laurel Hunt
Zone 2 Lead (ZRL)
Zone 2 Assignor
Zone 3
Jenna Nichol
Sherri Weed
Marcos Costa
Jim Merrick
Adam Junck
Addision Asuchak
Zone 3 Lead (ZRL)
Zone 3 HS Season Assignor
Zone 3 Tournament Assignor
Zone 3 Post Sec. Assignor
Zone 3 Development-Clinics
Zone 3 Development-Clinics
Zone 4
Central Alberta
Todd Sieben
Travis Rott
John Strong
Tim McLenahan
Zone 4 Lead (ZRL)
Zone 4 HS Season Assignor
Zone 4 Tournament Assignor
Zone 4 Development-Clinics
Zone 5
Medicine Hat
& Area
Mike Weisgerber
Roger Chan
Zone 5 Assignor
Zone 5 Development
Zone 6
& Area
Shawn Shepherd
Steven Cabral
Roberto Gallardo
Hamed Sepehr
Zone 6 Lead (ZRL)
Zone 6 Assignor
Zone 6 Development-Clinics
Zone 6 Secretary
Zone 7
Eastern Alberta
Jaz Sturrock
Zone 7 Assignor
Zone 8
Grande Prairie
& Area
Megan Van Bavel
Pam Rintoul
Zone 8 Lead (ZRL)
Zone 8 Assignor
Zone 9
Fort McMurray
& Area
Al Zhang
Zone 9 Assignor
Level 2 Upgrade
Everette Dionne
Level 2 Development
Level 3 Upgrade
Jim Merrick
Level 3 Development
Beach Referees
Shawn Shepherd
Beach Referees Lead
Referee Registration
Robyn Bishop
Volleyball AB Courtside Coordinator
Referee Financials
VA Club Assignor
Vinny Saporito
Volleyball AB Courtside Manager

Role Descriptions:
***Please note roles are slightly adjusted by each Zone to best fit the current situation and size of the Zone itself***
Regional Referee Chair (RRC)
Zone Referee Lead (ZRL)
Zone Assignor
Zone Development Lead
Provincial Admin Lead (PAL)
High Performance Lead – Level 3 Development Lead
Level 2 Upgrade Lead
Beach Referees Lead
Women’s Referee Lead
Northern Alberta Recruitment Lead

How to Upgrade to the Next Level?

Coming Soon!

Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors

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