SPAR Donation Matching Campaign

Have you ever considered donating to Volleyball Alberta?  We are happy to announce that now, your donation can make even more of an impact.

Minister of Culture, the Honourable Ron Orr, announced the launch of the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation (SPAR) Donation-Matching Campaign.  The SPAR Donation-Matching Campaign is part of the Ministry’s Creative Partnerships Alberta initiative.

The Government of Alberta will match up to $350,000 in donations to the SPAR Donation Fund Program.  The SPAR Donation-Matching Campaign will run from April 1, 2022 to August 30, 2022 or until the matching funds have been allotted.

You have the option of donating online via:

You will be given the option of how to direct your funds to Volleyball Alberta.  An example of programs that would be supported by your donation include:

  • Coaches development (contributing to training programs – both NCCP and other professional development)
  • Officials development (Supporting our Referees in zones across Alberta)
  • Leadership/volunteer development (Club Presidents)
  • Physical activity-recreation development 
  • Facility development (This could include our Beach Volleyball Courts that will soon have to be re-located)
  • Event support (Premier and Provincials tournaments, Beach Volleyball events)

Creative Partnerships Alberta Initiative

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