Who We Are

Incorporated in 1974, Volleyball Alberta is the official governing body and provides the organizational structure for the sport of Volleyball in the province of Alberta. Volleyball Alberta is involved in every facet of the sport by running programs at all levels both indoors and in the rapidly growing area of Beach Volleyball. We provide all Alberta residents with fair and equal access to participation and personal growth through recreational, competitive, elite, instructional, administrative, coaching and officiating programs.

Our primary goal is to promote and develop volleyball at all levels throughout Alberta.  Volleyball Alberta services the needs of its membership which consists of athletes, coaches, officials, and anyone interested in the sport of volleyball in the province.

Volleyball Alberta programs and volunteer activities are funded and supported by the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation (SPAR) branch of the Alberta Ministry of Tourism and Sport, membership fees, user fees, corporate sponsors and fundraising activities.

Volleyball Alberta’s Mission Statement

Our mission statement outlines the purpose towards which we commit our work life.  These are the reasons for the existence of Volleyball Alberta and it clearly describes who our customers are and what we produce as outcome benefits for them.

Our Mission: To unite our members and stakeholders in a safe and inclusive volleyball pathway. 

Volleyball Alberta’s Vision

Our vision statement describes ideally where and what we want to be.  These are the future hopes, dreams and aspirations for Volleyball Alberta.

Our Vision: Leading the growth and development of volleyball. 

Volleyball Alberta’s Values

Our core values describe how we should act in order to accomplish the tasks leading to achieving our mission.  They create our desired culture, as they are the principles that guide the behaviors of all members of Volleyball Alberta.


Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors

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